First, in configuration window you may find new checkbox, for overwriting files during download.

What's for? Thanks to this you will be able to avoid downloading a lot of files with similar names, example now when you have document called "test" in Google Docs, and you try to download it several times, you will end with file test.odt, test(1).odt, test(2).odt, test(3).odt and so on.
This change will help you in using second change ;-) From now OOo2GD will try to be smart, and when you will want to export file to Google Docs it will try to find in Google Docs item with most similar name, and will set itself to update this item, you can still decide that you want to upload new item.
Last but not least change is try to reuse once obtained information, example you open import window, and use Refresh List button, next you close import window and open it again... now OOo2GD will try to use existing list of documents instead displaying empty list and making you click on refresh list. You can still use Refresh List to refresh it ;-)
Hope you will find those changes useful :-)
You can visit project page, or download newest version :-)
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