Because last version was rather difficult to use (I know it, because I - author has problems with using it ;-)) so I tried to make it easier to use.
Saving to SD card disappeared from Publishing screen and is now available on Post Editor in Menu. Editing exiting posts was renamed to Load exiting posts, and now after choosing it you need to choose if you want to load post from blog or from SD.
Also loading post content from blog or SD changes content of post in Post Editor (generally it should be only one Post Editor).
To avoid situations when you will loose your post because you will hit Back when it will not be needed, I added special "feature" which detects using of Back button and shows text about this that if you want to close you need to use Back button one more time (exactly in 2 seconds ;-)).
Hope those changes will make Bloggeroid more predicable and more useful.
Please share with your opinions, and feature requests :-)
Here is QRCode for Android Market :-)

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